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It takes about 10 days to reach Moscow! Neptune Logistics' Xi'an-Moscow Express Train, Building Fast and Stable with Heart and Mind

Time:2024-04-15 10:34:00Num:1103 Source: Edit:Eva

In order to better maintain the smooth flow of the international industrial chain and supply chain, and to boost the high-quality development of the "Third Corridor" China-Europe shuttle train, Neptune Logistics actively responded to the call of the state and the market demand, and through the integration of various resources, it launched the special express train in October 2023--NEP EXPRESS. NEP EXPRESS has been in operation for half a year, with stable time efficiency and highly efficient service, and has been highly recognised and affirmed by the market.


NEP EXPRESS is a "fast and stable" express train jointly built by Xi'an International Port Construction & Operation Co. and Dayang Logistics Group at the Xi'an Union Collection Centre of China Railway Group, and is now in regular operation. From Xi'an to Moscow, the train departs every Wednesday and arrives in about 10 days!

Compared with the ordinary liner, NEP EXPRESS has shown excellent performance in many nodes of transport, whether it is the organisation of cargo sources, transport management, especially in the key link of port loading, it has fully demonstrated the refined management and efficient cooperation, which has greatly improved the loading speed of the liner.


In order to ensure the efficient and stable operation of NEP EXPRESS, Neptune Logistics equips each express train with a team of experts to follow up the whole transport process of the train, giving full play to the coordination capacity both inside and outside the country to improve the quality and increase the speed of the express train:


At home, the expert team, with rich practical experience, communicates closely with the platform, customs and ports of the liner, actively coordinates and stabilises the line, so that the customs docking, ground service and port loading and other links are closely interlinked; outside the country, the expert team coordinates actively with the overseas car-board carriers, and cooperates closely with the Moscow Railway for a timely response; and real-time monitoring and early-warning of the liner's transport status is achieved through the introduction of intelligent management system to ensure that the liner operates in real time and in a timely manner. Through the introduction of intelligent management system, the real-time monitoring and early warning of the transport status of the liner are realised to ensure that the liner can reach its destination efficiently and safely.


Neptune Logistics was established in 2005, 20 years of experience, with a professional project logistics management team. is committed to providing customers with highly competitive standardized logistics solutions.

Excellent Qianhai No.T3 22F, No. 5033, Menghai Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

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