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Official Representatives of the Kyrgyz Republic Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China and Their Delegation Visit Neptune Logistics Group

Time:2024-02-26 10:03:07Num:1232 Source: Edit:Eva
On 23rd February, the official representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic in China & President of China Eurasia Business Council, St. Perrin and his delegation visited Neptune Logistics Group's headquarters in Shenzhen. Mr Zhu Luzhi, Chairman and General Manager of Neptune Logistics Group, and Mr Cai Enyan, Director of Project Logistics Division and Director of Overseas Investment, warmly received them and started friendly exchanges.


At the meeting, Bonnie Zhu, Chairman and General Manager of Neptune Logistics Group, expressed her sincere welcome to the arrival of St. Perrin, President of China Eurasia Business Council. She said that Neptune Logistics has been ploughing into the international logistics industry for 22 years, and with the development of the "Belt and Road" initiative and the spread of international multimodal routes, Oceana Logistics has helped many domestic medical equipment, electronic products, white goods and other enterprises to enter the Central Asian market, and achieved good results.



Mutually beneficial co-operation, unity and win-win situation. Neptune Logistics will continue to use the pragmatic spirit of enterprise, seriously serve customers, and constantly require itself to make the service more refined. In the future, Neptune Logistics also hopes to deepen economic and trade exchanges with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic and explore more opportunities for cooperation together.

Kyrgyz Republic Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic is a non-governmental organisation founded in 1959. It aims to promote the economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic, to integrate into the world economic system, to form a modern infrastructure for market relations, to create favourable conditions for foreign economic activities, to promote the development of exports of goods and services, and to comprehensively expand trade, economic, scientific and technological relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and other countries.


Neptune Logistics was established in 2005, 20 years of experience, with a professional project logistics management team. is committed to providing customers with highly competitive standardized logistics solutions.

Excellent Qianhai No.T3 22F, No. 5033, Menghai Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

9.00 AM - 6:00PM
86 (0755) 8305 6700
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