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Integrity Creates Value, Compliance Guards Development|"Integrity and Compliance Lecture Hall" in Neptune Logistics

Time:2023-08-14 10:11:00Num:1834 Source:兴发娱乐 Edit:Hazel Zhong
Integrity and compliance construction is not only the solid support for the steady and far-reaching development of enterprises in the context of opening up to the outside world, but also the bottom color of the production and operation of enterprises in Qianhai. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on strengthening the construction of corporate compliance, solidly promote the prevention and control of integrity risks in the field of corporate compliance, and further improve the awareness of integrity of all Neptune Logistics employees, on the afternoon of August 10th, the "Lecture Hall on Integrity and Compliance" was carried out in Neptune Logistics by the Federation of Promotion of Integrity and Compliance Management of Enterprises in the Qianhai Area of Shenzhen Municipality and the Nanshan Branch of Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau, which was supported by the Federation. Lecture Hall" came to Neptune Logistics.


This activity was held through the combination of "on-site + video link", inviting two teachers, Zhang Yunting, Vice Captain of Economic Investigation of Nanshan Public Security Bureau, and Li Changshu, Director of Legal Affairs of Shenzhen Neighborhood Technology Company Limited to give lectures, and all the employees of Neptune Logistics actively participated in the lectures online and on-site.

Mr. Zhang Yunting, Deputy Chief of Economic Investigation of Nanshan Public Security Bureau, gave a lecture on the theme of integrity and honesty warning education with the theme of "Comply with the law and abide by the discipline, and lead the colleagues of Neptune Logistics to participate in the lecture through online and on-site ways. He led Neptune's colleagues to understand the process of practice, around the economic crimes involving violations, corruption, and through the display of a number of typical cases encountered in the real case of warning education, image reproduced in the enterprise about corruption leading to violations of party discipline, illegal and criminal specific behaviors. It is thought-provoking and compelling.

▲Zhang Yunting, Deputy Chief of Economic Investigation, Nanshan Public Security Bureau

Li Changshu, Legal Director of Shenzhen Pro-Neighbor Technology Co., Ltd, made a sharing on corporate integrity and compliance practices. By elaborating the definition of integrity and compliance, the inevitability and necessity of corporate integrity and compliance, and sharing the combination of corporate integrity and compliance risk response, the company provided some suggestions for clean and compliant business.

▲Li Changshu, Legal Director of Shenzhen Pro-Neighbor Technology Co.

At the end of the activity, Qing Beijun, Financial Director and Secretary of the Board of Directors of Neptune Logistics Group, summarized the activity and called for the whole staff of Neptune Logistics to continue to strengthen the learning and education on integrity and compliance in the future work, to adhere to the bottom line of integrity and self-discipline, and to firmly improve the competence of the quality of the company, and to create an atmosphere of clean and positive officers. At the same time, the Federation and the two lecturers were thanked.

▲ Qing Beijun, Financial Controller and Secretary of the Board of Directors of Neptune Logistics Group 

Build a compliant and clean corporate culture and strive to be a compliant and clean practitioner. In the next step, Neptune Logistics Group will further implement the industry regulatory provisions and relevant requirements of the Group, supervise and promote the construction of the compliance and integrity system, continuously improve the quality and efficiency of the company's compliance and integrity management, and strive to promote the company to realize high-quality development.


Neptune Logistics was established in 2005, 20 years of experience, with a professional project logistics management team. is committed to providing customers with highly competitive standardized logistics solutions.

Excellent Qianhai No.T3 22F, No. 5033, Menghai Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

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