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Neptune Logistics Group Invited to Attend the 13th China Foreign Investment and Cooperation Fair

Time:2023-06-19 14:53:00Num:1672 Source:兴发娱乐 Edit:Hazel Zhong
On June 16, the 13th China Foreign Investment and Cooperation Fair (referred to as "Foreign Fair") was held in Beijing International Hotel Conference Center. Mr. Chen Changzhi, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. 18 Chinese Ambassadors, including Mr. Murgulov, Ambassador of Russia, Ambassador of Tajikistan, Mr. Said Zoda, Ambassador of Pakistan, Mr. Moin ul Haq, Ambassador of Jordan, Mr. Hussam Husseini, Ambassador of Peru, Mr. Barrareseo, Ambassador of Guyana, Mr. Zhou Yaxin, Ambassador of South Africa, Ambassador of South Africa, Mr. Xie Shengwen, Ambassador of Ethiopia and other Chinese Ambassadors, including Mr. Tafelar Debel Imam and Mr. Yumam. Tafela Derbe Imam, Ambassador of Ethiopia to China, and 18 other ambassadors attended the session.


In the round table on the theme of "Promoting the High-quality Development of China-EU Liner", Mr. Zhao Qiang, Senior Director of Marketing Center of Neptune Logistics Group, was invited to attend the round table to learn and exchange the current situation of the world economic development with many Chinese and foreign guests and enterprise representatives, and to speak on the topic of promoting the high-quality development of China-EU Liner.


Chen Changzhi pointed out in his opening speech that since the beginning of this year, China's society has fully resumed normalized operation, economic development to achieve a good start, in the face of a century of change accelerated evolution as well as instability and uncertainty and globalization encountered challenges in the new situation, the Foreign Affairs Conference played an important role in the promotion of international cooperation, mutually beneficial development, civil diplomacy.


He said that all parties should make full use of the platform of the Fair to strengthen connectivity, deepen practical cooperation, jointly promote high-quality investment and cooperation in building the "Belt and Road", and actively promote the economic prosperity of all countries.
Neptune Logistics Group, as an early group of domestic carriers engaged in China-EU liner transportation and a well-known international multimodal transportation company in China, is honored to be invited to participate in this year's Foreign Trade Fair, which is a gathering of distinguished people. Neptune Logistics Group focuses on "end-to-end" international multimodal integrated logistics services, mainly providing international liner transportation between Asia and Europe, and at the same time, we can provide precise trucking flights, sea-railway intermodal transportation, engineering project logistics, cross-border e-commerce logistics, air charter, container leasing, warehousing, supply chain management, and other services in China and Europe. and other services.


▲Levin Zhao, Senior Director of Marketing Center of Neptune Logistics Group

At the roundtable on the theme of "Promoting the High-quality Development of China-EU Liner", Mr. Zhao Qiang analyzed the main problems that restrict the development of China-EU Liner, put forward the proposal of realizing the benign cycle between China-EU Liner and hub nodes, and shared with the delegates the efforts that Neptune Logistics has been making to promote the development of China-EU Liner.
Also present at the roundtable were the commercial representative of Russia in China, Minister-Counselor of Belarusian Embassy in China, Assistant Minister of Integration and Macroeconomics Department of Eurasian Economic Commission, Executive Vice Mayor of Shenyang Liao-Zhong District People's Government, Assistant General Manager of Product Channel Department of Sinotrans Limited, Chief Representative of Russian Railways in China, and other ten domestic well-known participants of China-Europe liner platform. All of them expressed their views in the meeting and made suggestions for the better development of China-EU liner.

[This year's Foreign Trade Fair]
With the 10th anniversary of President Xi Jinping's "Belt and Road" Initiative as an important opportunity and the theme of "A New Decade of Belt and Road, Creating New Development of Investment", this year's Fair has a clear intention and focus on development, and has attracted the ambassadors of more than 130 countries and representatives of Chinese organizations, and more than 500 Chinese and foreign guests and representatives of Chinese and foreign organizations. More than 500 Chinese and foreign guests and enterprise representatives attended the event. All parties launched policy and professional dialogues on deepening mutually beneficial investment and high-quality cooperation in building the "Belt and Road", explained their insights and made suggestions, and a number of enterprises and domestic and foreign related organizations signed 16 cooperation agreements, which made the conference pragmatic, efficient and fruitful.

The participation in the conference is an important development opportunity for Neptune Logistics Group, which provides a broader development space for Neptune in the international trade market.
In the future, Neptune Logistics will continue to focus on the construction of China-European liner trains, improve the quality of its products and services, provide customers with highly competitive end-to-end logistics solutions, further strengthen cooperation with external enterprises in the field of international logistics, and actively implement the great initiative of "One Belt, One Road" to help create a green and stable international logistics Great Channel.


Neptune Logistics was established in 2005, 20 years of experience, with a professional project logistics management team. is committed to providing customers with highly competitive standardized logistics solutions.

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